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FallSurfing stats

Todays New Members - 11
Last 7 Days Members - 15
Total Members: 11687
Upgraded Members: 144
Total Urls: 11884
Today's Surf: 328
Yesterday's Surf: 374
Today's Shows: 823
Yesterday's Shows: 1168
Text Ads
Today's Shows: 369
Yesterday's Shows: 531

current server time 6:59:pm


NoClick Hoversurfing
Co-Op advertising
DUEL Banner exchanges
Personal Splash pages
Custom Splash pages
Social surf


United Seniors Association

Main Promo News
Aude Sapere
Novus Ordo Seclorum
Auget largiendo
Ad idem
Die dulci freure
Semper Fidelis

Official PayPal Seal

Frequently Asked Questions

How easy is it to join?
How can I contact you?
Can I use the graphics on your site to promote Fallsurfing.net elsewhere?
What kind of websites do you allow? (do you allow adult content?)
Do you allow the use of languages other than English?
What are your terms and conditions?

NEWS and general information

How easy is it to join?
Extremely! There are no lengthy forms to complete, no complicated instructions and through the power of automation you don't even have to wait for your account to be approved!
How can I contact you?
Our contact information can be found in the members area "support" link.
Can I use the graphics on your site to promote Fallsurfing.net elsewhere?
Take what you like just so long as it is for mutually beneficial purposes.
What kind of websites do you allow? (do you allow adult content?)
NO ADULT CONTENT. NO HATE, NO WAREZ, NOTHING ILLEGAL, NOTHING ILLICIT, NOTHING IMMORAL, NO BANNER FARMS, NO FRAME BUSTERS. It's common sense stuff really, but for the record we're here to promote legitimate websites only. Typically our members promote online businesses, businesses tools and business events. As long as these meet with the above guidelines and don't offend anyone then that's fine by us.
Do you allow the use of languages other than English?
A page must not use less than 90% English otherwise it may be paused or removed from the system.
What are your terms and conditions?
Like most Traffic exchange programs we have strict rules to protect our members from cheating. The program employs methods to detect cheating and will suspend any accounts that fail to abide by our rules. Click here for our Terms and Conditions.

Problems? CONTACT US with our LIVE support system.

NEWS and general information
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